Master Implant Dentist Products

Have a question about master implant dentist? Ready to start your program?

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What is the Master Implant Dentist Program?

The Master Implant Dentist program is all about building the ideal dental implant practice and realizing the income and lifestyle freedom that comes with it. This is about taking action and getting results based on your goals and values.

Who is this for?

This program is geared towards general dentists who already have basic to advanced dental implant skills. Ideally, the dentist should be able to place and restore dental implants with some degree of comfort. You should have the desire and motivation to make changes that will improve the lives of you, your team and your patients.

What does the program consist of?

The program involves a guided course with written materials, resources and private 1-hour phone consults w/ Dr. Howard on a monthly basis, unlimited email support, and a reduced rate for all products and seminars. Each coaching program is tailored to the specific desires, needs, and goals of the individual dentist.

What does the program cost?

There is a range of programs and fees that are offered after the initial complimentary evaluation and practice overview.

What should I expect?

To be challenged, motivated and inspired to be the best Master Implant Dentist possible. 

The Complete Guide to Public Seminars for Dental Implants

The #1 method to gain expert status in your area as the go-to doctor for dental implants. This guide includes everything you need to build your ideal dental implant practice through public dental implant seminars.


Co-authorship of Second Chance Smiles - the patient's guide to dental implants

Want instant authority status? Imagine being able to provide your potential patients a book all about dental implants written by you!


Dental Assistant Implant Concierge Training Live Course

This exclusive training will teach any dental assistant how to be a Dental Implant Concierge – instantly adding value and authority to your practice.


Find out if your practice is ready for the MID program by taking the quiz.

Want to know if your practice is a good fit?

Dr. Andrew Howard has created this brief questionnaire for you to see if your practice would benefit for the MID program.